To authors, it can be an uncertain world out there. If you've written and published a book (whether it's your first or twenty-first), you want nothing more than for the whole world to fall in love with it.
At the same time, you wish you could clutch it to your chest and refuse to let it go because, let's be honest, there's always that fear that someone, somewhere, won't like it. And they might just try to tell the whole world about it!
Lauren Carr, author of the Mac Faraday Murder series, is not one to hide her books from the public. In fact, once she got over her first bad review, she's come to appreciate them for what they are... and wants to help other traditional and self-published authors come to the same realization.
Fear not the reviewer. Set your novels free... Check out Lauren's take on authoring up and getting your books out there:
Writers! It’s Time to Author-Up and Get
Your Books Out There
The number one fear of any author is—Reviewers.
It’s bad enough if a reader doesn’t like your book. Most
readers, if they don’t like your book, will keep it to themselves. Or, at the
worst, they will keep it within their immediate circle of friends. Or, if they
have a big mouth, they’ll keep it within their book club or community.
Since it’s their job, reviewers will broadcast their dislike
of your book to the whole world! Their distaste used to be confined to the
subscribers of whatever publication they were writing for. But now, with the
Internet, a reviewer’s hatred for a particular book is broadcasted throughout
cyberspace for everyone in the universe to see exactly how bad your book is.
That’s enough to scare any writer into wanting to lock their
baby up behind closed doors and never let anyone read it.
Yes, you can do that.
But, like a parent protecting her child from the outside
world by locking him up in his bedroom and never letting him step outside, it’s
not a realistic option. Children who are over-protected don’t develop a tough
enough skin to deal with all that life has to throw at them. As scary as it is,
sending them out there where they can fall down and skin their knees is a good
Likewise, any writer wanting her book and career to be all
it can be, needs to “author-up” and get her book out there into the hands of
reviewers…who may or may not like it.
Yes, some reviewers may not like your book.
I was surprised to learn not too long ago that many authors
don’t send their books out to reviewers for precisely that reason. One author
shocked me with the announcement, “I don’t let strangers review my books.” I
was still wrapping my head around that statement when he went on to say that he
knew several authors who don’t solicit book reviews. Those who did would
stipulate to the reviewer, “If you can’t give me 5-stars, then don’t bother
posting any review at all.”
Yet, these same authors scratch their heads and wonder why
they have failed to find their audience and can’t break through to have good
book sales.
Book reviews are FREE advertising. With every review site
that your book is featured, more and more people are learning about it. I have
had reviewers contact me asking for copies of my book as a result of reading
about it on other book review sites. I send them the books, they read it, and
then yet another review is posted for even more readers to learn about my
All it costs me is the cost of the book and postage, unless
it’s an e-book, in which case, it costs me NOTHING! Beat that price for
Based on successful reviews for my previous books, I have
over fifty reviewers WAITING for the advanced review copy of Shades of Murder, which will be out in a
couple of weeks. That’s over fifty websites that will publicize my new book as
soon as it is released. Many of these reviewers will read the e-book version,
which means it will cost me nothing.
Do I have a guarantee that all of these reviewers will love Shades of Murder as much as they loved
the other books in the series? No. Most likely they will since they loved my
previous books, but there’s no guarantee. I consider it the chance I have to
take to be a professional author. It’s worth the risk to get the word out there
about my books.
Here’s the way I see it. I publish my books because, in my
heart, I know I’m a great writer. If I didn’t think I was good, I wouldn’t be
investing my time and effort into writing and publishing my books. To me,
authors who clutch their books to their breasts and refuse to show them to
reviewers have a lack of confidence in their own writing.
Breaking through to the big time is not going to happen if
you keep your book a secret from reviewers.
What if the reviewer doesn’t like your book?
That is one thing that I can guarantee. Not everyone is
going to love your book.
Being a Mom, that’s something that I can understand and deal
The other night I prepared Tuscan Ribeye for dinner. I
marinated the steaks for four hours before putting them on the grill. They came
out juicy and melt in your mouth delicious. I also put equal amount of love
into preparing garlic mashed potatoes with fresh garlic and butter drizzled in
it. I topped off the mashed potatoes with fresh chives. They were so beautiful
I didn’t want to eat them!
Then, for the vegetable, I broiled parmesan tomatoes. The
parmesan and tomato were the perfect accompaniment to this a meal that had my
husband rubbing his tummy saying, “I can’t wait to see what you come up with
My son shrugged his shoulders and said, “Eh!”
Lesson: You can’t please everyone.
I put my heart and soul into that dinner. It was with pride
that I presented it to the world (okay, the dining room) and only pleased half
of my audience. My son would have been happier with a cheese dog and fast food
Likewise, you can spend months slaving over a storyline,
invest money in an editor, and hand picking a cover, and have a reviewer say
“Eh!” She would have preferred it if your deep thinking, spunky protagonist
that saved the world was a vampire with big boobs.
All right, so you’re thinking, “Yeah, Lauren, you don’t have
to tell us that not everyone will love our books. We know that. That’s why
we’re keeping them locked up in the trunk of our cars and not telling anyone
about them. If a reviewer doesn’t like them, THEY’LL TELL SOMEONE ABOUT THEM.”
Here’s a news flash for you: As long as your book is for
sale to the public, bad reviews can still happen—even if you aren’t soliciting them to reviewers.
My first book, A Small
Case of Murder, has a couple of really horrible reviews posted on Amazon.
The first one appeared over a year after its release. I was depressed for a
week before my husband suggested I look up the other reviews this reviewer had
posted on Amazon. I found that she had posted one. It was a five-star review
for a rap CD entitled something along the line of “Kill All the People”. Of
course, someone like that would not like a book about a functional family with
a Christian protagonist.
Every bad, spiteful review I have received, I did not
solicit. They were posted by readers who had come upon the book themselves and
felt compelled to vent about their hatred for it.
As I have learned from readers and reviewers, hateful and
spiteful reviews are not taken seriously by readers. The best way to combat
them is, when you find such a review, to click on the button below the review
saying that it was not helpful, and have your friends and family do the same.
The second line of defense against unsolicited bad reviews
is to solicit reviews that will be positive from professional reviewers.
Generally, professional reviewers do not post hateful
criticism. They will find something good to say, or say nothing at all. Yes,
they will be honest, but they won’t be hurtful and you may find the criticism
I have had a couple of reviewers comment, nicely, that they
would like to have a cast of characters listed in the front of the book. So, in
Shades of Murder, I have listed a
cast of characters, and will do so with future books.
Here’s another surprising note about criticism, it gives
your book creditability in the eyes of some readers. Believe it or not, I was
dancing around the house a few weeks ago when I received my first two-star
review for It’s Murder, My Son, which
was released over two years ago.
Have I lost my mind? I was dancing about a two-star? Yep.
Here’s why? Many readers view books with only positive
reviews with suspicion. Maybe it’s the society we now live in. A while back I
had read a thread in a book forum in which a lot of writers and readers
commented that when they come upon a book on Amazon with forty or fifty 5-star
reviews touting the book as the best thing since Gone With the Wind, they regard the reviews with suspicion,
especially if there are no four, three, or two or one-star reviews. The
suspicion grows deeper if the book and author are unknown. How do you get so
many highly positive reviews without anyone knowing about you or your book? There
are many readers who will assume all of the reviews were by family and friends
of the author. When I brought up the matter in my book writing class, I was
surprised to find that many of my students feel the same way.
I read not too long ago about an author who went into
Amazon, using various different accounts, and posted dozens of five-star
reviews for his own book. Then, he bragged about it on a blog. Amazon found out
about it and pulled all of the reviews.
Reviews that state some form of objective criticism for a
book gives it credibility. Readers take that book and the reviews listed for it
more seriously. Thus, when I got my first two-star review for It’s Murder, My Son, I proceeded to
dance around the house. After two years, It’s
Murder, My Son has credibility!
Lesson to be learned: Even a critical review can be good for
your career.
What are you waiting for? You have a book that you’ve
labored over and now it’s ready to push that baby out of the nest and send it
out into the world
to the applause and acclaim of
reviewers—who will pass on the word to your audience—which will open the doors
to the authorship that your books and you deserve.
Go get ‘em, Tiger!

Lauren Carr fell in love with
mysteries when her mother read Perry Mason to her at bedtime. The first
installment in the Joshua Thornton mysteries, A Small Case of Murder was a finalist for the Independent Publisher
Book Award. A Reunion to Die For was
released in hardback in June 2007. Both of these books are in re-release.
Lauren is also the author of the Mac
Faraday Mysteries, which takes place in Deep
Creek Lake, Maryland.
The first two books in her series, It’s
Murder, My Son and Old Loves Die Hard
have been getting rave reviews from readers and reviewers. The next book in
this series, Shades of Murder, will
be released May 2012. This will be Lauren’s fifth mystery.
Lauren’s sixth book, Dead on Ice, will be released in Fall
2012. Dead on Ice will introduce a
new series entitled Lovers in Crime, in which Joshua Thornton will join forces
with homicide detective Cameron Gates.
The owner of Acorn Book Services,
Lauren is also a publishing manager, consultant, editor, cover and layout
designer, and marketing agent for independent authors. This spring, two books
written by independent authors will be released through the management of Acorn
Book Services.
Lauren is a popular speaker who has
made appearances at schools, youth groups, and on author panels at conventions.
She also passes on what she has learned in her years of writing and publishing
by conducting workshops and teaching in community education classes.
She lives with her husband, son, and
two dogs on a mountain in Harpers
Ferry, WV.
Visit Lauren’s websites and blog at:
The Giveaway
Where are all the murder mystery fans at?!!
TNBBC is happy to offer a set of all three Lauren Carr "Mac Faraday" novels
to one lucky US resident!
This giveaway will end on May 28th.
Winner will be announced here and via email on May 29th.
Here's how to enter:
1 - Leave a comment stating why you believe the Mac Faraday series should go to you.
2 - You must leave me a way to contact you (email is preferred). AND you must be a resident of the US!!!!