5 Stars - Highly Recommended
Pgs: 103
I took a well deserved break from the never ending pile of review copies and ARC's to indulge in a little Lost Literature. This poor little novella has been calling and calling to me from my bookshelf since I unwrapped it (This was one of my SS gifts at christmas time - Thanks again Sherry!) and shelved it with my other TBR's in December.
With the return of Lost - in it's 6th and final season - to ABC, It's calling became near impossible to ignore. I could no longer pass up the little story and the mysteries that were sure to be buried deep within it's pages.
I tryed to shelter myself from any spoilers or major plot hints ever since I discovered this novellas existence (I have had great stories spoiled for me before, so this has become an almost irrational fear of mine) on the Lost lit list.
What at first appears to be the diary of a common criminal who escaped prision by sailing away to an unknown island, quickly turns into a haunting, strange tale of mysterious goings-ons, and our un-named narrators rapid decline into paranoia and obsession.
Under the assumption that he is alone on this odd island, where trees are decayed and brittle, and doors are rusted shut, our narrator naturally panicks and hides when he becomes aware of the sudden and unexpected presence of a group of people - Where did they come from? How could he not have noticed the arrival of a boat? What are they doing taking up residence on the top of the hill?
Afraid that they are in cahoots with the police from the country he fled, our storyteller attempts to gather information while remaining unseen from the islands visitors. One day, he notices Faustine - a lovely woman in a head scarf who sits on the rocks overlooking the ocean, reading her book and observing the sunset - and begins to imagine a love blooming between them. Only, Faustine seems to be oblivious to our narrators creative romantic methods.
He questions his sanity - Have I turned invisible? Is she so disgusted that she won't acknowledge me? - and also fears for his safety. His obsession with Faustine eventually leads him to a curious discovery. One that will keep you turning page after page after page.
What are those odd machines that seem to be affected by the tide? Why does the sky suddenly hold two moons and two suns? Why does no one on the island seem to register his existence?
For fans of Lost, this book is a must read. It will get you to see the show in a whole new light.
For those you just love a good mystery - add it to your reading list. You won't regret it. You have my word.
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